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+375 17 17 320 64 94
+375 17 17 276 55 78
+375 17 17 348 77 80

To make an appointment call at:
+375 17 276 55 78
+375 17 348 77 80
+375 17 320 64 94

To order a home visit call at:
+375 17 276 55 78
+375 17 348 77 80
+375 17 320 64 94

+375 17 363 00 68

8:30 — 13:00, 13:30 — 17:00


No. ServiceUnit of MeasurementPrice
1 1.1 Total, local galvanization procedure 3,74
2 1.2 Electrophoresis using direct, pulsed currents procedure 4,14
3 1.7 Electrodiagnostics procedure 7,01
4 1.8 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the face procedure 4,85
5 1.9 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the body and extremities procedure 5,27
6 1.10 Electrosleep, transcerebral electrotherapy procedure 4,79
7 1.11 Diadynamic therapy procedure 4,53
8 1.12 Amplipulse therapy procedure 4,53
9 1.15 Fluctuorization procedure 4,49
10 1.19 Local darsonvalization procedure 5,68
11 1.25 Ultra-high-frequency therapy procedure 3,03
12 1.27 Centimeter-wave therapy procedure 4,50
13 1.29 Millimeter-wave therapy procedure 3,43
14 1.30 Local magnetic therapy procedure 3,03
Light therapy
15 2.1 Minimal erythema dose testing procedure 3,03
16 2.2 Total body ultraviolet irradiation procedure 3,03
17 2.4 Local ultraviolet irradiation procedure 3,03
18 2.6 Total body, local visible infrared irradiation procedure 3,03
19 2.7 Laser therapy, percutaneous magnetic-laser therapy procedure 3,03
20 2.10 Superficial laser irradiation of veins, magnetic-laser irradiation procedure 3,83
Therapy with the help of mechanical factors
21 3.1 Ultrasound therapy procedure 4,06
22 3.3 Uphonophoresis procedure 3,86
Inhalation therapy
23 4.4 Medical inhalations procedure 1,27
24 4.5 Ultrasonic inhalations procedure 1,15
Heat therapy
25 7 Paraffin, ozocerite applications procedure 7,39